Rockmax Grout UW is a cementitious grout formulated especially for underwater application. It can be applied by both pump and pouring. The material used for repair the concrete structure underwater or pile restoration underwater. Grouts meet performance requirement of ASTM C1107.
Rockmax Grout UW can be used to repair and restoration on concrete structure underwater such as piles, spillways, concrete dams, bridge columns, foundations, wharfs.
Concrete substrate must be clean, free from oil, grease, mould oil, dust and loose particles. Steel plate must be clean and no rust. Ensure there is no crack on concrete surface. Dry concrete substrate must be saturated with clean water prior to pour grout. Metal surfaces must be free from rust, oils, paints.
Formwork must be clean and watertight. All joint must be protected from leakage of grout and rigid to prevent the expansion of grouting. Formwork should be applied mould release agent for easily remove. In case of special formwork, please consult Rockmax .
Mixer must use low speed drill mixer (500 rpm) with and including good quality steel paddle. Make sure all tools and equipments are in good conditions and clean. Measure 5.25 litre of clean water (21%). Temperature of water should be approximate 15 º C – 25 º C degree. Powder must be added to the clean water slowly and continuous mixing for approximate 3 minute (max 4 minute). Mix all material of grout in one bag per time. No partial mix. In case of large volume of grout. Mixing method must use pan mixer. Please consult Rockmax for further advice.
Pour grout after mixing immediately after mixing to the prepared substrate. Working time approximate 15-30 minute depend on temperature. Inspect the grout must free flow and homogeneous. When grout underwater by tremie pipe, ensure the pi pe is immerse in grout during placing. Raise the pipe slowly while pouring. Check the thickness per layer of each pour (not more than 150mm thickness).
Keep grout surface moist to prevent rapid drying. Use plastic sheet to wrap around grouting area. Curing compound should be use to avoid shrinkage crack.
25kg bag.
Storage in shade and dry condition free from frost, water, moisture, UV and high temperature.